St John Workplace Modular First Aid Kit
St John Ambulance
St John Workplace Modular - the complete first aid station
Introducing the modular concept in first aid response for the workplace or community. Diagnose and respond with the appropriate modules to treat injuries at the patient location.
This Workplace Modular First Aid Kit is also wall mountable for easy access and saves space.
Clearly labelled modules combine to make the Workplace Modular First Aid Kit compliant with WHS recommendations in Australia.
Replacements are available to easily replace used modules or optimise your kit by purchasing additional modules to cover common issues in your environment.
Size:55 x 46 x 25cm
weight: 10.9kg
Sprains and Strains Module 640061
1 x 1064 Compression Bandage 10cm
1 x 1210 Instant Cold Pack
1 x 1181 Triangular Bandage
Minor Wounds Module 640062
10 x 505400 Cleansing Wipes
10 x 505300 Povidone-iodine swabs
1 x 305402LGloves Nitrile 2s Large
2 x 309105 Splinter Probes 5s
1 x 2230 Adhesive strips plastic 50s
2 x 5111 Saline 15mL
3 x 1020 Conforming 7.5cm
2 x 1010 Conforming 5cm
3 x 2140 Non-Adherent 7.5 x10cm
6 x 2152 Non-Adherent 5x5cm
1 x 3070 Forceps
1 x 3130 Safety Pins 12s
Major Bleeding Module 640063
1 x 4070 Bag resealable small 10cm x 18cm
1 x 4080 Bag resealable medium 15cm x 23cm
1 x 4090 Bag resealable large 23cm x 30cm
1 x 1181 Triangular Bandage 110 x 110cm
1 x 3080 Emergency Accident Blanket
1 x 2090 Wound Dressing No. 14
1 x 2091 Wound Dressing No. 15
2 x 5111 Saline Steritube 15mL
1 x 3010 Scissors Medical 12.5cm SS Sharp/Blunt
1 x 2060 Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm
1 x 2130 Non-adherent Dressing 10cm x 10cm
3 x 2025 Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm x 5
1 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable)
Burns Module 640064
2 x Burns Instruction Card
1 x 1020 Bandage Conforming Light 7.5cm
2 x 5145 Burnaid Dressing 10 x 10cm
1 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable)
1 x 2103 Poly sheet 10 x 10 Small
1 x 2102 Poly sheet 10 x 20 Medium
1 x 2101 Poly sheet 61 x 92cm large
8 x 5140 Burnaid sachet gel
Eye Injuries Module 640065
1 x 1010 Bandage Conforming Light 5cm
1 x 1128 Tape surgical 2.5cm x 9m
4 x 2170 Eye Pad
2 x 2025 Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm 5s
4 x 5111 Saline Steritube 15ml
Personal Protection 640066
1 x 354809 Resuscitation Mask
2 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable)
Bottom Shelf
1 x 3140 Notepad Pencil in bag
1 x 3646 Pen Ballpoint (black ink)
1 x 3225 Emergency First Aid Book
1 x 2230 Adhesive Strips, 50s
1 x 2257 Fabric Strips 50s
1 x 515413 Rapaid Antiseptic & Itch Relief Spray 50ml
1 x 1210 Instant Cold Pack
1 x 4090 Bag resealable large 23cm x 30cm
2 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable)
1 x 343002 Sharps container 150ml
1 x 4010 Kidney dish
This new kit is developed in accordance with the new National Code of Practice 'First Aid in the Workplace'.
This powder-coated, rustproof metal cabinet contains several compartments ensuring easy access and location of first aid equipment in an emergency
All items within this kit are of the highest standard, from stainless steel scissors to cotton slings, St John First Aid Kits are TGA compliant and tested by our 10,000 volunteers' to ensure the highest quality and ease of use
This St John Kit is ideal and comprehensive enough for your office, warehouse or onsite location.
- Therapeutic Goods Authority approved ensuring the highest quality
- Developed in line with the WHS Code of Practice
Product is entered in the ARTG, ARTG 316822